Building a prop-tech company means thinking of real value and how to connect it to the digital world.
AI Generated Architecture
What if AI designed optimal layouts that also optimized proforma?
Now it does.
Optimizing Geometry
Once an optimal layout is found, our system ties together revenue, cost, payroll and proforma in one view.
Get Business Intelligence that is Modeled in Real Life.
Proforma Estimates and Revenue Streams at location, in real time.
AI mediated Operational Visibility
Combining these under a single pane of glass web product that simplifies deployment, we built the CRE portal, click to view.
Dr Morrise co-founded STAY OPEN in 2019, building the core teams, designing and building numerous products (APP, Web, Architect, Pod Designs, Admin, OPS and CRE portals), while cooking hearty meals and giving big hugs. STAY OPEN is a dream come true, and has already touched many peoples lives. Book an unforgettable experience now.